Skies Surround Us

Trees catch the light back where the river bends

Looking Back

I do find myself at the limits of expression for this place. It was an unfamiliar experience, not just because of the grand place, the ever changing rock walls and the continuing miracle of trees somehow growing out of them, but also because of walking in the water, and walking for so long, about twenty hours over two days. It was quiet, holy.

More photos of the narrows here.

Rock walls up both sides, trees growing everywhere, river below

The river runs on along

The river runs out of a slot, ahead trees In a slot the wall on the right rises high, grey, and flat

The texture, color, and shape of the rock walls was always surprising me

Above the river a rock wall with many trees growing out of it

How do the trees do it?

Walls of rock on either side of the river, some trees

Looking back from atop a rock

Above the river and blue and orange river rocks, some trees, and then the high walls of the canyon, orange Above the river great slabs of vertical rock, trees grow out of it somehow

I think around here was my first little swim, the river gets deeper as you go

Sunlit cliffsides in the distance reflect orange in the river water, trees up ahead and on either side

Love these purpley licheny rocks

Sunlit cliffsides in the distance reflect orange in the river water, trees up ahead and on either side

That reflection was so damn pretty, I know you can't tell very well

Great tall walls of rock orange and the top, the river and river rocks below