Skies Surround Us

Two backpackers lower themselves into the water to continue on through the slot

The Narrows

Due to a cancellation, a friend of mine was able to get passes to walk the Narrows, "top down". On our way up to the trailhead on a shuttle, the driver told us about a couple that comes from Eastern Europe every year just to walk the Narrows. They fly in, walk the entire ~20 miles in one day, and then fly back home (and they are in their 70s). It's that special, huh? I get it. It was hands down the grandest hike I have ever done. We cowboy camped the first night. I fell asleep looking at a little slot of sky, thin clouds with some stars shining through.

More photos of the narrows here.

Ropey red rock with various trees growing out of it, river below

Our first resting stop

Craggy walls up high on the left, trees on the right

Craggy walls

High rock walls on the right, kind of bubbly looking, red with grey streaks coming downward, green conifers next to the river

A strange place

Various textured rock walls, tall trees

Rock and trees, rock and trees

A backpacker tiny in frame looks up and a great grey downward streak in the wall, trees on either side

Some idea of scale

A grey stripey wall on the right, river below and trees in the background

A stripey wall

The walls on either side come in closer making a vase kind of shape


Two backpackers walk in the river, warm colored rocks on either side, walls towering up on either side with trees growing out

I would walk it all again...